branding + website design

Your bold career move deserves an equally bold online presence.

Ready to ditch the 9-to-5 grind for your dream business? Indigo Night is all about creating eye-catching websites and brand identities for brave professionals like you.

Three stylized stars in red and pink overlapping an image of the moon

10 seconds to impress. 
Make your brand count.

Whether you're setting up shop as an independent expert, launching a wellness practice, or bringing that unique local business idea to life, we've got the perfect package to kickstart your new journey and ensure you make the right impression from the start.

Ready to make those 10 seconds work for you? Check out our services designed to bring your vision to life:

Featured Work

Hey! I’m Ashli

Owner of Indigo Night Design Co.! I get it – switching careers is as exciting as it is nerve-wracking. After 25+ years in the corporate world, with names like Docusign, Benefit Cosmetics, and TRX Training, I took my own leap into the entrepreneurial unknown. That's why I’m here to sprinkle some digital magic on your big move. I’m talking about a website and brand that doesn’t just look pretty (though it definitely will), but also works hard to attract your ideal clients.

Ready to make your mark?

Let's team up and turn your passion into a standout digital brand. Start your next chapter now.